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“The Historical Evolution of Chatbots in the Context of Human-Machine Interaction” by Research Assist. Nazlı Gülşah Cimilli

tarafından Kutsi Aybars Çetinalp | Ara 03, 2024

As part of “Software Developers Meeting Symposium” hosted by Istanbul Technical University, Cimilli delivered an oral presentation titled “The Historical Evolution of Chatbots in the Context of Human-Machine Interaction”.


The research traced the origins and historical development of chatbots from theoretical and technical perspectives, delving into programming languages and the pivotal role of natural language processing (NLP) in their design.


The presentation also examined chatbots through the lens of human-machine interaction and linguistic capabilities, connecting this technology to the broader field of Cybernetics. This interdisciplinary field, founded by Norbert Wiener in 1948 and with roots extending back to Al-Jazari in the 13th century, remains a cornerstone in the history of artificial intelligence. By aligning this research with principles from the history of science and technology, the study provides a rich analysis of chatbots as both historical artifacts and modern innovations.